A baby’s well-being after it’s born [letter] | Letters To The Editor

The concept of “pro-life” pushed by those who are anti-abortion revolves around the birth and well-being of a child.

But why does the “pro-life” philosophy seem to end when a child is born? Should not the “well-being” of the child continue after birth? And shouldn’t the “well-being” of the mother be equally important?

Some courts and state legislatures already, or soon will require, regardless of the circumstances, that pregnant women must carry a baby to birth.

Should they also now require that the man who impregnated the woman support both the mother and child until the child reaches the age of 18? Or even 21?

US Rep. Lloyd Smucker, US Sen. Pat Toomey and other Pennsylvania lawmakers: Will you and others in the Legislature and Congress propose and pass legislation toward this end?

Norman Johanson

Manheim Township

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