Kim donates $30Ok to Household Promise

Press release

Local businessman Steve Kim, owner of Sand Canyon Country Club, made a US $ 30,000 donation to help run the Santa Clarita Valley Family Promise, a local nonprofit dedicated to helping homeless children and theirs Providing support and accommodation to families.

“The Santa Clarita Valley Family Promise is grateful for the generous financial support from the Steve Y. Kim Foundation,” said Roché Vermaak, Executive Director. “In 2019, we switched from our annual Box City fundraiser to our first golf tournament at Sand Canyon Country Club. It was a great success and we were looking forward to our second tournament this year. Unfortunately we had to cancel due to COVID-19. ”

Kim’s $ 30,000 donation helps the organization accommodate homeless families in motels and the Family Promise Transitional House, providing them with case management to find work, shelter, childcare, social services and benefits. When the eviction moratorium ends in February 2021, the family pledge made by SCV and other service organizations expect many families, and especially single mothers, to lose their homes and become homeless.

“One of our new programs is to help families with rental costs and moving in to reduce the time from homelessness to housing,” said Vermaak. “Family Promise is grateful for Mr. Kim’s support for the SCV community, particularly for local homeless families who are at risk from loss of homes, jobs, and childcare during the current pandemic.”

96 percent of the customers that Family Promise from SCV has looked after since mid-March are single mothers. Most of them have no support for children, have cut their working hours or cut jobs and have lost childcare or can no longer afford it. Vermaak: “If you work 25 hours a week at $ 15 an hour ($ 375), pay taxes, social security, gasoline, and $ 300 for childcare, you must show $ 0 at the end of the week. You haven’t saved any money on food or housing. This is the reality for many working families in SCV. “

The Santa Clarita Valley Family Promise has been around for 10 years to help the homeless and unsafe families. Financial and material donations from community members and companies make this work possible, while the organization provides services 365 days a year. For more information about nonprofits, visit their website at

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