We Love Every Different. Do I Want a Prenuptial Settlement? 

Emotion and suspicion aside, a marriage agreement could be seen as an important document that protects not only one or both parties, but children from previous relationships, deals, and other interests as well.

The romantic events of advertising, engagement, and planning a wedding can be an amazing emotional whirlwind. It can give a loving adrenaline rush to a soon-to-be-married couple and confidence that their relationship will be ironclad and never fall apart. Any suggestions during this time for the couple to consider a marriage agreement may be insensitive to one or both of them and an insult to their committed love for one another. Suspicious individuals can view a marriage agreement as a document that causes their relationship to fail.

Do I need a marriage agreement?

Emotion and suspicion aside, a marriage agreement could be seen as an important document that protects not only one or both parties, but children from previous relationships, deals, and other interests as well. Relationships can be complicated. Every situation is unique. Each person can take into account their own past relationships. Each person can consider their own children, assets, debts, and interests.

When marriage is in sight, understanding prenuptial agreements can be helpful. As the saying goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Does anyone entering marriage understand what a marriage agreement could offer? Does each individual entering marriage understand what can happen when there is no marriage agreement?

Consult an attorney to learn more about the safeguards and limitations a marriage agreement can and cannot offer.

Common questions about marriage contracts

Here are some questions to ask during a consultation with an attorney.

1, In general, what are the pros and cons of a marriage agreement?

2. Should each party keep its own lawyer?

3. What financial and other information and records are required by each party to discuss a marriage agreement?

4. What types of provisions cannot be enforced or are difficult to enforce in a marriage agreement?

5. How can a marriage agreement help protect children’s funds in the event of divorce or death from previous relationships?

6. How can a marriage agreement protect business and other interests?

7. Does a marriage agreement require changes to estate planning documents?

8. Does a marriage agreement require a change to the deeds or to the property designated by the beneficiary?

9. Is there a recommended time for preparing, reviewing and signing the marriage contract before the wedding date?

10. What happens in the event of death or divorce if there is no marriage agreement?

The above are just a few ideas for questions. Every situation is unique. Depending on your situation, there may be additional questions to ask an attorney about a marriage agreement.

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