At present is “I’m for the Little one Day” to help children in court docket

There are thousands of vulnerable children across Wisconsin who need a court-appointed special attorney

April 14, 2021, 7:06 p.m.

Martha Koloski

Posted: Apr 14, 2021 at 7:06 pm

There are thousands of vulnerable children across Wisconsin who need a court appointed special attorney or “CASA,” a specially trained volunteer, to be the child’s voice in the court system.

People wore a blue Wednesday in support of “I’m for Children’s Day” to support these children and to highlight the need for more volunteers.

“Any information we collect helps the judge make more informed decisions about where a child should live and who should take care of them. Meanwhile, we offer them a support person in care during this difficult time, ”says Jessie Fortuna, program director of the CASA for Kids of the YWCA.

Approximately one in seven Wisconsin children eligible for a lawyer will not have a child because there are not enough volunteers.

To become a CASA volunteer, 30 hours of training is required, followed by 12 hours of annual training.

To learn more about Wisconsin CASA, local programs, and the legal profession, visit

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